Christy Thomas

Last year, Christy Thomas received her bachelor’s degree in medical studies and this year is preparing to graduate with a Master of Science in the science of health care delivery. Christy was drawn to a career in medicine through serving children and the underserved.
Throughout her time at ASU, Christy was heavily involved in Student Health Outreach for Wellness (SHOW) as a volunteer and later student director, presenting SHOW’s progress at various conferences around the country. Christy was also a camp counselor for Muscular Dystrophy Association’s summer camp, a clinical volunteer at Ryan House, and a research volunteer for Athletes for Life. Christy also found time to serve as a Sunday school teacher and a vacation Bible school coordinator at her church. Her involvement in student clubs and community service demonstrated her commitment to vulnerable populations.
Christy’s advice to current pre-health students is to get involved in smaller organizations so you can create opportunities for yourself and find what you love. Once you find what you love, chase after it, because your joy in it will clearly be reflected in your application and interviews! Christy is excited to attend Liberty University’s College of Medicine starting in the fall of 2019.