Cody Munson

Cody Munson graduated from ASU and Barrett in 2018 with a degree in Microbiology. He aspired to be a vet ever since he was a young child, and he chose to prepare for vet school by getting his undergraduate degree at ASU. Barrett was an especially appealing option as it would help to strengthen the application and provide opportunities for networking.
During his years at ASU, Cody gained animal experience by working as a Small Animal Keeper at the Arizona Animal Welfare League’s Education Department, working with exotic animals. He also worked in a bacteriology lab and as a Chemistry SI Leader. He focused on activities that demonstrated and reinforced skills such as leadership, responsibility, and time-management.
To prospective vet school applicants, he would say: “Get as much clinical experience as possible! Keeping grades up is important, but schools like to see substantial hands-on experience in the field. Having experience with multiple vets over many contact hours in different environments will help to develop a competitive application and give you plenty of options for strong recommendations. Also, don’t forget to check on vet school application requirements to see if the schools you are applying to are looking for any special pieces in your application.”
Cody is currently attending the University of Edinburgh’s Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Medicine and will graduate in 2022. He plans on working with exotic animals after graduating.