Stephen López

Stephen graduated in 2017 with his degree in Health Sciences (Pre-Professional) with a minor in Spanish and a minor in Nutrition and Healthy Living.
While at ASU, Stephen was not only an officer within the AMSA Pre-Health Club, but he regularly volunteered at Banner University Medical Center’s ED and provided scribing and translational services at St. Vincent de Paul’s free health clinic. Stephen also spent 4 years as science instructional aide teaching both general and organic chemistry labs. Despite all the great experiences afforded to him, he attributes most of his success to the very supporting professors and pre-health advisors that always took the time to assist him in whatever he needed.
His advice to pre-health students? “I would tell incoming students to remain steadfast in pursuit of their goals and never stop improving upon yourself and your experiences. This is truly a difficult journey, but it’s all worth it in the end. Take advantage of every opportunity presented to you, but also don’t forget take care of yourself first.”
He is extremely excited to begin medical school at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson as part of the class of 2023. He also accepted an Air Force Health Professions Scholarship and commissioned as a 2nd LT in May 2019. He is eager to give back to his home town community and to his country.