

Explore health careers and organizations

You know that you want to be a health professional but not sure which profession is right for you?  ExploreHealthCareers.org is a great place to start.

Career Guide for Women in Medicine: A comprehensive career guide for women in the line of healthcare. The resource material also provides a list of requirements, statistics, and the average salary of each position in the healthcare field. Career Guide for Women in Medicine.

Just as Arizona State University offers major maps for each degree offering, pre-health career pathways serve as a guide to each health profession. Explore the pathways.




Naturopathic Medicine

Occupational Therapy



Physical Therapy

Physician Assistant

Podiatric Medicine

Veterinary Medicine

Additional Health Professions and Resources

Explore professional

This section allows for you to explore schools and admissions requirements for the health profession in which you are interested.

We understand how complicated it can be to find all the information you need in one place. For your convenience, the DPC Pre-Health Office has compiled a list of average science GPAs, average overall GPAs, average test scores, and prerequisites for all professional schools, pipeline programs, and post-bac programs within the state of Arizona. These materials are meant to serve as a general guide and are based on the current statistics and prerequisites that were provided either via admissions counselors, websites, or print material. As new statistics or prerequisites become available, we will update our information.  For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please consult the individual admissions department or visit the websites for each school which has been hyperlinked within the document.

View the Prehealth Professional School Prerequisite Chart

Explore curriculum

Arizona State University offers courses that fulfill the requirements for health professional schools. Check out the prerequisites for each course.

Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question about Pre-Health at ASU, advising, or choosing a major? Your question may already be answered. Check these frequently asked questions.